How to preserve creative energy by removing decision fatigue

Do you ever spend all day running around, whether it’s working, going to school, or just doing errands, then come home in the evening and feel like you’re incapable of writing? You have the time, maybe you’re even sitting at the computer, but the words just won’t come. If this happens over and over, itContinue reading “How to preserve creative energy by removing decision fatigue”

7 computer wallpapers to inspire your writing

The computer is both a blessing and a curse for any writer.  It makes writing faster and research easier, but it also opens the temptation to wander down internet rabbit holes and waste hours away on social media. To help keep you focused and remind you that you should be writing, here are seven backgrounds forContinue reading “7 computer wallpapers to inspire your writing”

Fiction Friday: Ghost Story

I wrote this story in my sophomore year of college. It was originally published in Wide Angle Journal of Literature and Film. Enjoy! This was country dark—the kind of dark where you were so far away from cities and street lights that you could put your hand just inches away from your face and stillContinue reading “Fiction Friday: Ghost Story”