Fiction Friday: NaNoWriMo snippet

NaNoWriMo–short for National Novel Writing Month–encourages participants to write 50,000 words of a novel in the thirty days of November. It’s a time for writers to go partially insane and enjoy the community of others doing the same! I hadn’t planned on participating this year, but on the morning of November 1st, I was struckContinue reading “Fiction Friday: NaNoWriMo snippet”

Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet

It’s that time again–Fiction Friday! Today I have another scene from my current work-in-progress, Chaos Theory. I sent it to alpha readers earlier this week, and I’m already missing it, even though I know the break will do me good! So this will probably be the last Chaos Theory Fiction Friday for a while, as  I take a breakContinue reading “Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet”

Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet

Today’s Fiction Friday is another passage from my current work-in-progress, Chaos Theory. This is a portion from later on in the book. The main character’s dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and this is the first time we see her really interacting with him after it has severely affected him. If you’ve read the synopsis of theContinue reading “Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet”

Fiction Friday: “Spice & Sparrow” snippet

This summer I participated in a program called “Young Writer Lessons,” where I met weekly with a writing mentor to work on creating a story. The idea I chose to focus on was one from my senior year of college when I had to get an MRI. Nothing ended up being wrong, but for severalContinue reading “Fiction Friday: “Spice & Sparrow” snippet”

Fiction Friday: “Backstays of the Sun”

At the end of June I submitted a story to the inaugural Story Embers Short Story Contest. I recently found out that my story, “Backstays of the Sun,” was chosen as the first place winner! It was published on their website, and for this Fiction Friday I wanted to make sure all of my blogContinue reading “Fiction Friday: “Backstays of the Sun””

Fiction Friday: “Strange and Unusual Death Circumstances Support Group”

For today’s Fiction Friday post, I selected a writing prompt from the book The 3 A.M. Epiphany by Brian Kiteley. It’s one of my favorite book of prompts, and a great source for any writer to have on their bookshelf. I ended up choosing prompt 99, “Rashomon”: Write about a group of several people, at least four,Continue reading “Fiction Friday: “Strange and Unusual Death Circumstances Support Group””

Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet

Every other Friday, I’ll post a snippet of my own writing for what I’m calling “Fiction Fridays.” Here’s the first installment, featuring a section from the beginning of my current work-in-progress, a contemporary fiction novel titled Chaos Theory. The scene describes the initial meeting between the main character, Meredith, and an important secondary character, Jeremiah.Continue reading “Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet”

Fiction Friday: Ghost Story

I wrote this story in my sophomore year of college. It was originally published in Wide Angle Journal of Literature and Film. Enjoy! This was country dark—the kind of dark where you were so far away from cities and street lights that you could put your hand just inches away from your face and stillContinue reading “Fiction Friday: Ghost Story”