How Much It Cost Me To Self-Publish a Book

Here in the U.S., it’s tax season which means I’m once again scrambling to find all the paperwork that says how much I spent on publishing a book and how much I made from said book. Since I did all that work for the government, I figured I’d share those numbers with the internet!  IContinue reading “How Much It Cost Me To Self-Publish a Book”

5 Lessons on Writing from Susan Dennard

Susan Dennard, author of the Witchlands series and the recently released book The Luminaries, is known for her spot-on writing craft tips, found on her website and through her newsletter. So when I got the chance to see her on the Luminaries tour, it was no surprise that she was full of great writing andContinue reading “5 Lessons on Writing from Susan Dennard”

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How To Stay Sane While Querying Your Manuscript

If you want to be traditionally published, you have to get an agent somehow. For the majority of writers, that means querying literary agents. Once you sign with an agent, they will be your champion: helping to make sure your book is as good as it can get, selling it to editors at publishing houses,Continue reading “How To Stay Sane While Querying Your Manuscript”

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What to Pay for and What to Do Yourself: Self-Publishing Guide for Beginners (Part 3)

If you look at self-published books on Amazon, there is an astonishing variety of quality, to be frank. Some look like they could compete against traditionally published books. Others appear to be lumps of words someone wrote in a hurry and then uploaded immediately afterward. The key difference between these is what the author paidContinue reading “What to Pay for and What to Do Yourself: Self-Publishing Guide for Beginners (Part 3)”

Self-Publishing Guide for Beginners: Part One

Welcome to the first part in my self-publishing guide! My first novel, The Mistletoe Connection, releases on November 10 (add it on GoodReads!) and as I work my way through the self-publishing world, I’m breaking it down for you in simple steps that are easy to understand and follow.