5 (more) podcasts for writers

Six months ago, I started this blog! Since then, by far my most popular post has been one of the very first: 10 podcasts to make you a better writer. As I said in the original post, I’m pretty obsessed with podcasts, so in the months since then I’ve discovered some more podcasts that I’veContinue reading “5 (more) podcasts for writers”

Romanov by Nadine Brandes: book review + free wallpaper!

Synopsis and book cover from GoodReads: The history books say I died. They don’t know the half of it. Anastasia “Nastya” Romanov was given a single mission: to smuggle an ancient spell into her suitcase on her way to exile in Siberia. It might be her family’s only salvation. But the leader of the BolshevikContinue reading “Romanov by Nadine Brandes: book review + free wallpaper!”

10 books to read to celebrate Black History Month

Even though I feel like I’m still recovering from 2018, a month of 2019 has already gone by! That means that, here in the U.S., it’s Black History Month. While, of course, our TBR piles should feature diverse authors and characters all year long, this month gives extra motivation to celebrate books by and aboutContinue reading “10 books to read to celebrate Black History Month”

New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

I don’t know about you, but I am one of those people who believes in the beauty of the new year and in making resolutions. I think there’s something about writing down your goals and giving yourself a deadline to achieve them that makes them especially powerful. This applies to writing, too. But there areContinue reading “New Year’s Resolutions for Writers”

2019 Reading Challenge

Hello all! I’m back after taking a break over Christmas week, and I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. 2019 is already here, and for many bookworms that means it’s time to make reading goals for the year. I don’t like to set a number of books I want to read, because it doesn’t reallyContinue reading “2019 Reading Challenge”

My Top Books of 2018

Even though it feels like just yesterday that we were saying goodbye to 2017, somehow 2018 is already drawing to a close. Which means it’s time for end-of-year wrap-ups! I started bullet journaling in October of 2017, and pretty much the only “collection” I keep up with is my book log. I list every bookContinue reading “My Top Books of 2018”

DUMPLIN’: How does the movie compare to the book?

If you’ve been paying attention at all to the YA book world, you’ve heard of Julie Murphy’s book Dumplin’ and the fact that Netflix adapted it into an original movie. Featuring a protagonist who unashamedly introduces herself as a fat girl—and who doesn’t lose weight in the story in order for her life to begin—it’sContinue reading “DUMPLIN’: How does the movie compare to the book?”

Why self-forgiveness is crucial to writing

Ever since I was a kid, I considered myself a writer. The very first story I remember writing was when I was in kindergarten, and was something akin to Pokémon fanfic, except before the internet existed. In second grade I decided I wanted to be a published author. I eventually went to college to getContinue reading “Why self-forgiveness is crucial to writing”

Fiction Friday: NaNoWriMo snippet

NaNoWriMo–short for National Novel Writing Month–encourages participants to write 50,000 words of a novel in the thirty days of November. It’s a time for writers to go partially insane and enjoy the community of others doing the same! I hadn’t planned on participating this year, but on the morning of November 1st, I was struckContinue reading “Fiction Friday: NaNoWriMo snippet”

Interview with author Shanthi Sekaran

Today I am thrilled to share an interview with award-winning novelist, Shanthi Sekaran! Shanthi has written two contemporary fiction books, and her most recent novel Lucky Boy has received numerous accolades, including being named an IndieNext Great Read and an NPR Best Book of 2017. Lucky Boy has struck a chord with readers as it weaves together the storyContinue reading “Interview with author Shanthi Sekaran”