Book Lover Blog Tag!

Today I’m excited to take part in the Book Lover Blog Tag! (In which I break all the rules…) Thanks to Marie from Writing In Color for tagging me, and to Bella from The Pen & the Pages for creating the tag. Let’s get started!

Tag Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Include the Book Lover Blog Tag graphic and rules in your post.
  3. Answer the questions.
  4. Nominate at least 5 new bloggers to do the tag.


What is your favorite thing about reading?

Probably how it allows me to both escape into another world, but can also act as a mirror to what human nature is like and challenge my beliefs and worldviews (in a good way!).

Which male character is your favorite?

LOL like I can choose just one. Some top faves are: Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows, Lupin from Harry Potter, Samwise from Lord of the Rings, Ponyboy from The Outsiders….

Which female character is your favorite?

Again, definitely can’t choose just one: Hermione and Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter, Inej from Six of Crows, Laurie from MissMatch…

Who is your favorite villain of all time?

Ooh…I love Loki from the Marvel Universe (they’re comic books, that counts right?) and Edmund from King Lear. I love a good “bastard son just wants the love of his father but takes it out on the rest of the world” trope. I also love Opal from Artemis Fowle and Killmonger from Black Panther.

Who is your least favorite character of all time?

Hmm…I mean, Umbridge from Harry Potter is pretty bad. Eustace Scrubb from Voyage of the Dawn Treader is pretty annoying, but what can you expect with a name like that?

Which book do you think has the strongest plot?

The Harry Potter, Six of Crows, and Throne of Glass series are all just masterclasses in complex plots that involve little details from early on coming back at the end to be an OMG moment. Descendant of the Crane is also a fantastic example of a plot that’s super intricate, but also not hard to follow and really suspenseful.

What gets on your nerves the most in a story (a boring character, an unrealistic plot, etc.)?

I definitely hate it when characters are boring or inconsistent. Characters are my favorite part of any book, so when they’re a let-down, it’s the worst. I also easily get annoyed by bad prose–not that I’m a master, but I feel like sometimes a book just hasn’t been edited and I wonder how it got published.

Which book has the best cover (share a picture!)?

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi

The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews (you can’t tell from the graphic, but IRL the keys are shiny!)

Do you let people borrow your books? If so, are you specific about how they treat them?

I do let people borrow them, but I have a lecture about how to treat them right lol. I also have some books that I won’t let anyone touch-my personalized signed copies of Six of Crows and The Book Thief, for instance.

If a movie could be made based on any book, which book would you choose?

My answer to this used to be Six of Crows, but it’s officially being made now! *cue happy dance*

So now I would say either the Throne of Glass series or Descendant of the Crane. Both epic fantasies with badass women and complex worlds. Um, HBO, get on this please.

Which author has inspired you most?

So many! Beverly Cleary when I was younger–I loved her books and she’s the person who made me first realize being an author was A Thing You Could Do.

J.K. Rowling–I aspire to create a world and characters like hers that have captivated so many people (if only she could stop talking and ruining it now…)

Markus Zusak–His writing style in The Book Thief absolutely blew me away when I first read it, and challenged me to keep improving my own writing.

Leigh Bardugo–Again, creating an intricate world and characters that are funny but damaged, otherworldly yet relatable…*sigh* She also has really diverse characters, without it being forced or feeling like tokenism.

What single book would you be unable to live without?

This is a dumb question and I hate it. The Harry Potter series. The Six of Crows duology. The MissMatch series. The Outsiders. The Book Thief. Okay I’ll stop for now…

Thanks to Marie for tagging me! Be sure to check out her blog for more bookish and writing-related content.

People I’m Tagging

Rebecca Caraway

Madeline Nixon

Samantha R. Glas

Maggie Suggett

Laura Rinaldi

Zoe DeVoe

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