Ever since I was a kid, I considered myself a writer. The very first story I remember writing was when I was in kindergarten, and was something akin to Pokémon fanfic, except before the internet existed. In second grade I decided I wanted to be a published author. I eventually went to college to getContinue reading “Why self-forgiveness is crucial to writing”
Author Archives: Chelsea
Fiction Friday: NaNoWriMo snippet
NaNoWriMo–short for National Novel Writing Month–encourages participants to write 50,000 words of a novel in the thirty days of November. It’s a time for writers to go partially insane and enjoy the community of others doing the same! I hadn’t planned on participating this year, but on the morning of November 1st, I was struckContinue reading “Fiction Friday: NaNoWriMo snippet”
Interview with author Shanthi Sekaran
Today I am thrilled to share an interview with award-winning novelist, Shanthi Sekaran! Shanthi has written two contemporary fiction books, and her most recent novel Lucky Boy has received numerous accolades, including being named an IndieNext Great Read and an NPR Best Book of 2017. Lucky Boy has struck a chord with readers as it weaves together the storyContinue reading “Interview with author Shanthi Sekaran”
Write every day: Bad Writing Advice (Part One)
If you’re new to writing (or even if you’re not) you’ve definitely received this advice: write every day. People tell you about Stephen King and how he writes several thousand words a day. And of course you want to be successful like Stephen King, so you need to do that too: write a thousand words,Continue reading “Write every day: Bad Writing Advice (Part One)”
5 useful online tools
Ah, the internet. What did we even do before it existed? I may be a bookworm, but I am still eternally grateful for the internet and the many benefits it brings. Whether you’re writing a book or working on a school assignment, these websites will make your life infinitely easier. The Hemingway Editor I couldContinue reading “5 useful online tools”
6 things I learned about writing from Markus Zusak
When I heard that Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief, was visiting Denver, I actually gasped out loud. The Book Thief has been influential in my writing and reading life in more ways than I can name. Suffice it to say that I have about a million favorite books, but when forced to choose just one, I say TheContinue reading “6 things I learned about writing from Markus Zusak”
Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet
It’s that time again–Fiction Friday! Today I have another scene from my current work-in-progress, Chaos Theory. I sent it to alpha readers earlier this week, and I’m already missing it, even though I know the break will do me good! So this will probably be the last Chaos Theory Fiction Friday for a while, as I take a breakContinue reading “Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet”
Guest Post: Five ways to be a better reader
Hi everyone! This week I’m excited to share a guest post from fellow writer and blogger, Grace Maples. She shares how being a better reader can make you a better writer. If you want to read the guest post I wrote for her on learning to rest, click here. Enjoy! I was an avid reader beforeContinue reading “Guest Post: Five ways to be a better reader”
What is Parkinson’s Law and how can it help your writing?
Have you ever dedicated an entire afternoon to writing, only to get to the end of the day and realize you only wrote a couple hundred words? But then later when you’re squeezing in an hour of writing between your busy schedule, you can suddenly write a thousand words. What’s up with that? There areContinue reading “What is Parkinson’s Law and how can it help your writing?”
Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet
Today’s Fiction Friday is another passage from my current work-in-progress, Chaos Theory. This is a portion from later on in the book. The main character’s dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and this is the first time we see her really interacting with him after it has severely affected him. If you’ve read the synopsis of theContinue reading “Fiction Friday: Chaos Theory snippet”