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What’s Making Me Happy: August

Hello friends! It’s the end of the month, so I’m publishing a little bonus post. Here are a few things making me happy this month that may or may not be writing/reading related. Enjoy!

Phantom Islands – A Sonic Atlas. This is a super cool interactive map of “phantom islands,” which are islands that were at one point discovered, charted, and recorded as existing, but are now nowhere to be found. Sail around the map and listen to the soundtracks interpreting these imagined places.

The #StorySocial chat on Twitter. If you’re a writer, definitely check this out! Every Wednesday at 7pm MST, writers of all stripes gather for an hour to talk about, well, writing. Sometimes there’s a set topic, sometimes not, but it’s always a fun way to meet and discuss with other writers.

Imagine Dragons’ new single, “Natural.” I love Imagine Dragons, so I’m always thrilled when they have a new song out.

The New York Public Library’s Grow Up Work Fashion Library. Sort of a mouthful, but basically it’s a program from the NYPL where anybody headed to a job interview can check out ties, briefcases, handbags, and other accessories needed to make a good first impression. Can we make this a thing everywhere please?

This article from the Washington Post on spaces after periods. It sounds boring, but if you’re a nerd like me, it’s totally fascinating. Also, I love the way the writer plays with formatting in the actual article to coordinate with what he’s discussing.

Vox’s Explained on Netflix. These 20- to 30-minute episodes do a deep-dive into all types of subjects, from cryptocurrency to K-Pop to monogamy. With a new episode released each week, there’s no shortage of things for me to geek out over.

These tote bags. Full disclaimer, I knew the artist growing up, but I’m still obsessed with this bag that is perfect for carrying books!

By artist Nicki Newell

What’s making you happy this month? Let me know if you check any of these out and what you think!

Featured photo by Daniel Chekalov

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