One of the hardest parts of writing is carving out both the time and the mental energy to do it.
Tag Archives: writing tips
The most important part of creating characters
But I would argue that one of the most (if not the most) important pieces of a good book is the characters.
Einstein’s trick to becoming a better writer
Albert Einstein was known for playing the violin when he couldn’t figure out a mathematical problem.
What is zero drafting? (And should I try it?)
When you set out to write a book, typically the first words you put on the page are considered your first draft.
Everything you need to win NaNoWriMo
For most (sane) people, this Friday simply means the start of November. For a large number of writers (with questionable sanity), this Friday is the start of National Novel Writing Month!
Ghosts, publishing, and which character would get you arrested: An interview with author Victoria Schwab
Hello all! I am so excited to share my interview with bestselling author, Victoria Schwab! Schwab, or V.E. Schwab, writes fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal books for audiences of all ages.
Why it’s a good thing you’re scared to share your writing
I’ve never had a kid, but I imagine sending out a piece of my writing into the world is a lot like dropping your child off for their first day of school.
Using social media to build your author platform
If you’ve been involved in the writing community for a while, you’ve probably been told that you need to start creating an author platform. But what is that?
Guest Post: 4 tips to figure out what kind of book you should write
Hi y’all! Today I’m excited to bring you a post written by Lucia Tang, a contributor at Reedsy. She talks about different methods to decide which idea to pursue for your next writing project. I’ll be starting a new series following along as I start writing a new novel, so I thought this would beContinue reading “Guest Post: 4 tips to figure out what kind of book you should write”
7 tips for writing while traveling
If your summer is looking anything like mine, it’s packed full of trips, whether I’m going to other places or people are coming into town to visit. While I’m excited to see friends and family, I always struggle to write regularly during crazy times like this. But I’ve discovered a few things that make myContinue reading “7 tips for writing while traveling”