DUMPLIN’: How does the movie compare to the book?

If you’ve been paying attention at all to the YA book world, you’ve heard of Julie Murphy’s book Dumplin’ and the fact that Netflix adapted it into an original movie. Featuring a protagonist who unashamedly introduces herself as a fat girl—and who doesn’t lose weight in the story in order for her life to begin—it’sContinue reading “DUMPLIN’: How does the movie compare to the book?”

Guest Post: Five ways to be a better reader

Hi everyone! This week I’m excited to share a guest post from fellow writer and blogger, Grace Maples. She shares how being a better reader can make you a better writer. If you want to read the guest post I wrote for her on learning to rest, click here. Enjoy! I was an avid reader beforeContinue reading “Guest Post: Five ways to be a better reader”

10 picture books every adult should read

Even when you’re “grown up,” you still have a lot to learn. A surprising source of wisdom? Picture books. They may be meant for kids, but they’re chock full of fun, heartfelt lessons that are still applicable even after you don’t use the children’s section of the library anymore. I’ve rounded up ten of myContinue reading “10 picture books every adult should read”

Shelf to Screen Reviews: An Introduction

A regular feature I’ll be posting is something I’m calling “Shelf to Screen reviews.” These, simply, are reviews of movies that are based on books. It’s less of a critique of the book or movie and more evaluating how true the movie stayed to the book, whether in spirit or in actual plot line. OfContinue reading “Shelf to Screen Reviews: An Introduction”