PitchWars, historical veganism, and chaotic research: An Interview with Carly Heath, YA Historical Fiction Author

Something about fall means “historical fiction” to me, so when I found out about The Reckless Kind, a YA historical fiction novel featuring characters who are both queer and disabled and also love horses, I was immediately excited! The author, Carly Heath, was kind enough to answer some questions over email, and I can’t waitContinue reading “PitchWars, historical veganism, and chaotic research: An Interview with Carly Heath, YA Historical Fiction Author”

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Ghosts, publishing, and which character would get you arrested: An interview with author Victoria Schwab

Hello all! I am so excited to share my interview with bestselling author, Victoria Schwab! Schwab, or V.E. Schwab, writes fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal books for audiences of all ages.