I thought it was a good time to share some Asian authors I love and others I want to try! I realized that several of my all-time favorite authors are Asian, so this is basically just an excuse to fangirl.
Author Archives: Chelsea
12 Books with Bisexual Main Characters You Need to Read
Too often when it comes to LGBT+ books, the “B” is silent. But there are plenty of books with bisexual main characters, and it’s time to make sure they get the respect they deserve!
How To Design Your Website for Free
If you’ve been here before, you may have noticed that things look a little different! I updated my website, with the main new addition being a homepage, rather than my most recent posts being the first thing you see when you come to the website.
3 Tips for Writing When You Don’t Have Much Time
In every author’s dream, we have hours upon hours to idle away in a coffee shop, writing and reading and daydreaming about characters. In reality, however, many of us have day jobs, school, family to take care of, or a dozen other responsibilities that demand our time and attention. This leaves us with precious littleContinue reading “3 Tips for Writing When You Don’t Have Much Time”
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How To Find the Perfect Designer, Editor, and More: Self-Publishing Guide for Beginners (Part 4)
So, you’ve read the previous post, and you know what you’re going to pay for and what you’ll do yourself. But how do you find someone to hire? How do you make sure they’re any good?
How To Write Better Dialogue: 3 ways to practice and 2 common mistakes
Unlike a brilliant plot or a beautiful description that stand out when they’re perfection, dialogue is amazing when it feels so natural that we almost forget to admire it.
The Best Books of 2020
Whatever 2020 looked like for you, I’m glad you’re still here. I hope you’re still reading and still creating. Here are some books that got me through 2020, and I hope you’ll enjoy them too.
How to Start a Bullet Journal, Even if You’re Not Artsy
If you’re convinced that you can’t do bullet journaling because you’re not artistic or don’t have the time for complicated spreads, I got you. My bullet journal set up is super simple, requires zero artistic talent, and is all about functionality.
Four Lessons I Learned When Self-Publishing
Even still, I wasn’t prepared for everything that goes into self-publishing. I mean, it’s hard enough to write a good book that you feel confident in. Then you have to make allll the decisions about how it looks and what to pay for and how to advertise and formatting and all the other things.
How to Make Time to Write
When people hear that I’m publishing a book, one of the most common questions I get is “How do you find time to write??” It’s not really one of the questions I expected to hear so much once people in my real life found out I’ve written a book, but I realized that’s mostly becauseContinue reading “How to Make Time to Write”